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Data Breach Alert Service
What is it about?
Existen más de 11.000 millones de cuentas comprometidas
We must not only keep our devices free of malware and protected against all possible threats that we can find. Unfortunately also our accounts can be externally compromised without our knowledge.
Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Instagram or any other company where you have entrusted your data, may be victims of the hundreds of data breaches that occur each year.
Once the breack occurs, your email, password or any other data you have entrusted could be publicly exposed for cyber criminals to use
It is very important to know as soon as possible if your account has been compromised in order to take the necessary actions.​​
How does the service work?
ironGate checks every day if your email and password have been compromised in any data breach.
We searching your email among more than 11 billion compromised accounts to date.
If we find it, we will notify you immediately and we will give you advice so that you can take the best measures.
By the mere fact of being an ironGate client you already have this service active and you do not have to do anything then you will be notified automatically inside of your weekly report, the one that comes to you with the status of your device.
Cómo Funciona
Notice example in your monthly report
Ejemplo informe fuga en ironGate PC/MAC
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